No Snakes Allowed!

2009 January 30 at 12:39 pm (Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission) (, )

How to Keep Snakes Away?PTC Open House:  An Interesting Exchange during Q & A…

During the question and answer section there was an amusing dialogue.  It went sort of  like this, but this is only a paraphrase:

Q:  I noticed on the diagrams that there will be water in the retention ditches.  How much water do you anticipate.

A:  The basins will be lined, and will hold water.  The amount of water, or how long it will stay, is unknown exactly.  It depends upon the season, and the amount of rainfall.  Generally,  they would be empty in the summer, and wet in the winter, because less evaporation occurs in the winter when the vegetation is less absorptive.  The estimate is from 72 hours to 14 days.  About half of the time the basins will be empty.  

Q:   [Concerned about West Nile virus.]  If there is standing-water there, won’t that create a breeding ground for mosquitoes? 

A:  Vegetation will be planted to discourage mosquito breeding, and encourage predators.  

Q:  Predators?  What kind of predators? Birds?

A:  Yes.

Q:  Frogs?

A:  Yes.

Q:  Snakes?

A:  [Shaking head.]  Snakes?  No, there won’t be any snakes.  

One wonders how they will keep snakes out?  Perhaps they will post a sign with large lettering: “No Snakes Allowed!

IBlack Rat Snake





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