The PTC Gears Up – Reopens Tredyffrin Project

2009 May 4 at 1:44 pm (Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , )

The PTC reports in a news release on it’s website that the discussion is “on.”  They’ve “…reopened a dialogue with local public officials regarding design details…”  They explain that “…talks broke off last month when it seemed an agreement was unlikely on design details, including alternative stormwater-control methods… ” That seems unlikely, since the PTC Chairman, Mitchell Rubin, took an indefinite leave of absence from his job when he became the target of a federal investigation AFTER HIS WIFE, Ruth Arnao, was convicted in the Fumo case.  

Here’s hoping that the PTC replaces Mr. Rubin with an honest and principled Chairman, and constructive dialogues lead to a solution weighted in favor of the kind citizens of Tredyffrin who deserve no less.  

– A Pen


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PA Turnpike Expansion Plans Hit Speed Bump

2009 March 23 at 8:05 am (Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Politics, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , )

Several sources indicate that the plans for the expansion of the turnpike in Tredyffrin are now delayed.

  1. The Philadelphia Inquirer article – “FBI-targeted turnpike chairman takes leave”
  2. article – “Rubin, target of probe, to take leave from turnpike job”
  3. “The Phoenix”Design issues put turnpike projects on hold for now”   (From a local Phoenixville, PA newspaper.)
  4. In related news, Mr. Rubin’s wife, Ruth Arnao, was recently convicted of all counts of conspiracy, fraud, obstruction of justice, and tax violations.  The Philadelphia Inquirer’s article.  “Longtime Fumo associate Ruth Arnao guilty on all counts”

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