TT BoS and Chesterbrook’s Green Hills Condemn PTC Condemnations 2/1/09

2009 February 3 at 10:47 pm (Board of Supervisors, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , , , , , )

Green Hills residents attended the BoS meeting en masse.  Forty-three neighbors came to the meeting to register their disapproval of PTC taking two homes in the neighborhood.  Many homeowners spoke to the Supervisors at the meeting expressing their concerns and asking questions.  

Supervisor John DiBuonaventuro stated clearly that the PTC’s plan to take homes is unacceptable.  He reminded all of a Green Hills homeowner’s question to the PTC last Tuesday evening, “Can you look me in the eye, and tell me that you’ve done everything you can to avoid the taking of my property?”  This Supervisor agrees that the PTC has not exhausted other options.  

Supervisor Judy DiFilippo reported of a meeting on Friday January 30 with John DiBuonaventuro, Deirdre Gibson and Michael Caldwell (both of  VFNHP) to discuss solutions to the storm water issue.  The park representatives indicated they will allow water to be dispensed onto park property, spray irrigation is acceptable, but they will not allow detention basins.  Detention basins of the 1970’s are considered “passe” by current storm water managers.  Another method of holding storm water before it could enter the park must be found – possibly underground storage tanks.  Supervisor DiFilippo also contacted Congressman Gerlach, and reported that a study may be done regarding storm water and VFNHP.  She urges neighbors to “Keep your organizations together.  We will work together as a total.”

Supervisor Bob Lamina remarked on the “arrogance” of the PTC at the preliminary display.  In his opinion, this plan is “D.O.A.”, as he would “never support issuing a permit for this plan.  

Township Manager, Mimi Gleason responded to a suggestion to use VFNHP property saying that an act of U.S. Congress is the only way to gain permission to use National Park property.  Such an act would likely not pass, since it would be precedent setting.  

She also informed us that PTC’s storm water management plans must meet the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection regulations, as well as Tredyffrin’s regulations.  Tredyffrin has had significant issues with PTC’s lacking storm water management.  She indicated that there are “several years of work left”  on the plan, and there will likely be many “iterations.”  She encouraged residents to ask the PTC to improve their plans, and to “use less land more creatively to solve the problem.”  

Supervisor DiFilippo encouraged neighbors to stay in close communication, keep organized, continue asking questions of the PTC, and keep contacting legislators.  The TT Supervisors agree that the homes should not be taken, but they have limited powers.  We are encouraged to contact Senator Dinniman and Representative Drucker.  (For more information on how to contact these legislators and others, see “Pages” at upper right hand corner of blog, and click on “Legislators Addresses.” OR CLICK HERE) 

-A Pen

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