2009 June 3 at 6:58 am (Board of Supervisors, Politics, Taxes, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , , , )

Please Attend

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

at 7:30 p.m.

at The Tredyffrin Twp. Bldg.

1100 DuPortail Road, Berwyn, PA  19312-1079

The Tredyffrin Township Budget Advisory Working Group (BAWG)

Remember the Tredyffrin Twp. Board of Supervisors’ (TT BoS) Budget Meetings in Nov/Dec 2008…

which increased our taxes for the second year in a row?  Since then, the TT BoS created the Budget Advisory Working Group (BAWG) [], and appointed the volunteers.

The BAWG will hold a public meeting on Wed. June 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Tredyffrin Twp Building to gather public input.  There is a possibility that an Earned Income Tax (EIT) could be reconsidered by the group.

I hope you will bring a friend, and join me in giving the clear message that increasing our taxes is NOT an option, and that Tredyffrin Township must work within its budgetary boundaries just like we do.   I hope you will get involved – democracy works best when normal folks like us are involved – and budgets need not be regarded as overly-complicated.

– Evelyn “E.J.” Richter, A Pen in The Woods

P.S.  Things that may be discussed include:

  • Salaries, benefits and longevity pay for staff. (Non-union staff received longevity pay, cost of living increase, and 100% medical coverage for 2009.)
  • Size and scope of the police department
  • Subsidy levels for fire companies, libaries and the Woodland School
  • Outsourcing of Township services (think park and vehicle maintenance)
  • Sidewalks
  • Taxes, user fees
  • What services are most important to local residents?
  • What are residents’ views on the current and future tax burden?
  • Would residents prefer to increase taxes in order to maintain or expand services?
  • What services would local residents be willing to see reduced or eliminated?

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TT BoS and Chesterbrook’s Green Hills Condemn PTC Condemnations 2/1/09

2009 February 3 at 10:47 pm (Board of Supervisors, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , , , , , )

Green Hills residents attended the BoS meeting en masse.  Forty-three neighbors came to the meeting to register their disapproval of PTC taking two homes in the neighborhood.  Many homeowners spoke to the Supervisors at the meeting expressing their concerns and asking questions.  

Supervisor John DiBuonaventuro stated clearly that the PTC’s plan to take homes is unacceptable.  He reminded all of a Green Hills homeowner’s question to the PTC last Tuesday evening, “Can you look me in the eye, and tell me that you’ve done everything you can to avoid the taking of my property?”  This Supervisor agrees that the PTC has not exhausted other options.  

Supervisor Judy DiFilippo reported of a meeting on Friday January 30 with John DiBuonaventuro, Deirdre Gibson and Michael Caldwell (both of  VFNHP) to discuss solutions to the storm water issue.  The park representatives indicated they will allow water to be dispensed onto park property, spray irrigation is acceptable, but they will not allow detention basins.  Detention basins of the 1970’s are considered “passe” by current storm water managers.  Another method of holding storm water before it could enter the park must be found – possibly underground storage tanks.  Supervisor DiFilippo also contacted Congressman Gerlach, and reported that a study may be done regarding storm water and VFNHP.  She urges neighbors to “Keep your organizations together.  We will work together as a total.”

Supervisor Bob Lamina remarked on the “arrogance” of the PTC at the preliminary display.  In his opinion, this plan is “D.O.A.”, as he would “never support issuing a permit for this plan.  

Township Manager, Mimi Gleason responded to a suggestion to use VFNHP property saying that an act of U.S. Congress is the only way to gain permission to use National Park property.  Such an act would likely not pass, since it would be precedent setting.  

She also informed us that PTC’s storm water management plans must meet the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection regulations, as well as Tredyffrin’s regulations.  Tredyffrin has had significant issues with PTC’s lacking storm water management.  She indicated that there are “several years of work left”  on the plan, and there will likely be many “iterations.”  She encouraged residents to ask the PTC to improve their plans, and to “use less land more creatively to solve the problem.”  

Supervisor DiFilippo encouraged neighbors to stay in close communication, keep organized, continue asking questions of the PTC, and keep contacting legislators.  The TT Supervisors agree that the homes should not be taken, but they have limited powers.  We are encouraged to contact Senator Dinniman and Representative Drucker.  (For more information on how to contact these legislators and others, see “Pages” at upper right hand corner of blog, and click on “Legislators Addresses.” OR CLICK HERE) 

-A Pen

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Panhandle Civic Association Meeting w/TT BoS

2009 January 10 at 7:58 pm (Board of Supervisors, Politics, Taxes, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , , , )

A Pen thanks…

The Panhandle Civic Association’s leadership for organizing this meeting.  We hope for your success in improving this matter.  

What:  Notice Of Special Panhandle Civic Association Meeting

When:  Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.

Where:  First Baptist Church, 1012 Upper Gulph Road, Wayne, PA 19087

Who:  Three Tredyffrin Supervisors, Paul Olson, Bob Lamina and Judy DiFillippo

Why:  To discuss the $2.4 million deficit written into the approved budget for 2009.  In order to balance this budget, it is planned to deplete the reserve funds for the second year in a row by this amount. With the reduced income expected this year, and the economy in disarray, fiscal responsibility calls for further reduction in spending in 2009 to preserve the reserve fund for emergencies.

Please join us for an opportunity to express your thoughts on this dilemma. Taxes would have to be raised 38% to balance the budget.

Representatives from other civic associations are also invited.

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Tredyffrin Supervisors Raise Taxes Again! 12/15/08

2008 December 16 at 12:23 pm (Board of Supervisors, Politics, Tredyffrin Twp., Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , )

The Good News First

Thanks again to Supervisor Olsen, the lone voice of reason and fiscal responsibility.  

A Pen thanks the citizens who spoke against the tax increase at the meeting.  About 15 citizens spoke in total.  Four spoke in favor of increasing taxes, mainly because someone misinformed them about the police officer’s salaries being on the line – they weren’t.  Eleven taxpayers asked the Supervisors not to raise taxes, and a few had excellent suggestions to help the Supervisors reign in the spending.  

The Bad News

In spite of so many citizens speaking against raising taxes on 11/17/08 and 12/15/08 the Supervisors (except for Paul Olsen and Bob Lamina) turned a deaf ear.  Looking back, it’s not surprising.  Supervisors in the last three meetings have indicated that they do not want to reduce your tax burden, because they do not think it is high enough yet.  Most Supervisors suggested budget increases when the conversation was about decreasing it.    The only one speaking against the majority was Supervisor Olsen.  Unfortunately, Supervisor Lamina attended by spotty phone connection from the Middle East.  

This tax increase is the second in two years, and it’s only the beginning.  Supervisor Kampf reported that if they waited to raise taxes, they would be “forced” to raise them 50% in one year.  His projection assumes no improvements in the economy.  So, think of this 2.4% as a warm-up for tax increase season, or maybe  last year’s 3.3% was the warm-up, and we’re in the midst of an uncontrolled spending  spree.  

At the beginning of the discussion the Supervisors agreed easily to remove plans for Westover Park from 2009’s budget.  Then they overrode concessions made at the 11/17/08 meeting in a stunning blind-side to voters who thought the Supervisors would try to be fiscally responsible.  Voting in favor of restoring Cost of Living Increases (COLA) and Longevity Bonuses:  Supervisors DeHaven, DiFilippo, DiBuonoventuro, and DeFeliciantano.  Voting against:  Supervisors Olsen, Kampf, and Lamina.  So:  

  • TT Employees will receive COLA for 2009.  Yes, they were reminded by a citizen that even Gov. Rendell has denied state employees a COLA for 2009, but that did not matter.  Yes, they will receive a 3.5% inflation adjustment when there is negative inflation.  
  • TT Employees will receive Longevity Pay, too.  (That’s the non-merit based bonus, that we’re not supposed to call a bonus (Shhh!).  It’s given to TT employees who don’t get fired that year.)  Hard to believe Supervisors who tell us our employees are underpaid.  

Moments of Interest…

When Supervisor DeHaven lifted up his 3-ring binder (appearing to be 2-inches full of budget information), and explained that he didn’t know how to cut anything from the budget; it was too complicated for him.  Supervisor DeHaven, please consider not running for re-election.   Your primary job as a Supervisor of a $37 million budget is to find the fat and trim it.  

The set-up:  At the 11/17/08 meeting, Supervisor DiBuonaventuro told us that he would forgo his $3,000 stipend from the township for 2009.  He wanted to set an example for all the other Supervisors, encourage them to do the same, and encourage TT Manager Gleason to voluntarily give up her salary increase, and ask her employees to do the same.  Flash forward to 12/15/08, when a knowledgeable citizen reminded the Supervisors that if they all gave up their $3,000 stipend, the township would save $27,000.  Supervisor DiFeliciantano fumed at the citizen asking him “Would you like to donate $3,000 of your money?” and finished with “I am offended!”  Perhaps Supervisor DiFeliciantonio would like to make a donation to TT to cover all of the deficit spending?     

Please contact your Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors and make them aware of your concerns.  (If you click on the link, then click on the Supervisor’s highlighted name, their email address will show in your email application.  


Here’s another community going through the same thing.  

-A Pen

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Structural Deficit Defined

2008 December 15 at 1:00 am (Board of Supervisors, Politics, Taxes, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , )

“Structural Deficit” is a misnomer currently used by the Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors.  It is meant to convey that there is a deficit, it is years old, and it is not their fault.  Instead, they should call it a “Chronic Deficit.”  Since, they have confirmed that this deficit has been around for years, and  though they knew this, they continued spending.  That is the definition of fiscal irresponsibility – knowingly spending more than you’ll receive.    

Budgets do not not get out of control when Supervisors  are careful with money.  They go haywire when Supervisors foolishly mistake their “wants” for actual “needs.”  We could benefit from this recession if Supervisors would reflect on how they waste our money.

The fiscally responsible thing to do is trim the budget without delay.  It is the Supervisors’ most important responsibility, and we elected them to do it.  We did not elect a citizen’s panel of their choosing.  We elected them.  

-A Pen

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Tredyffrin Twp. Government Bureaucrats

2008 December 10 at 12:00 am (Board of Supervisors, Politics, Taxes, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , , )

“Your dad and I are exactly the opposite.  He’s a government bureaucrat, and I am a capitalist.  We get paid, and our success is measured in opposite behaviors.  

He gets paid to spend money and hire people.  The more he spends and the more people he hires, the larger his organization becomes.  In the government, the larger his organization, the more he is respected.  

On the other hand, within my organization, the fewer people I hire and the less money I spend, the more I am respected by my investors. That’s why I don’t like government people.  They have different objectives from most business people.  As the government grows, more and more tax dollars will be needed to support it.”

From Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki.  Warner Books, 1997, p. 96.  ISBN:  0-446-67745-0

Government Bureaucrats…

One stated at 11/17/08 meeting that they would feel “uncomfortable” facing non-union TT employees if there were no pay raise for 2009.   

One agreed on 11/17/08  to 9 recommendations to reduce the budget for 2009, only if  a reverse -911 system and 2 extra police officers were worked into the budget.  This occurred after the Superintendent of Police, had stated he could do without them.  (This Supervisor later found funding for the reverse-911 system within the County – a program we in Tredyffrin would have paid twice for.)  

One said the recommendations were “draconian” at the 11/17/08 meeting, and for referred to items like music in the park as “quality of life issues.”  The quality of life issues that TT manages are:  police, fire, and roads.  

The last Supervisor lamented at the 12/1/08 meeting a non-union employee salary freeze for 2009.  With the way he carried on, one would think the BoS’s had decided to terminate all 50 of them.  (That would be draconian!)  It is only a one-year salary freeze , and in a recession a salary freeze equals a raise, because costs of goods will decrease  while the salary is maintained.  One of my friends was told recently she will get no salary increase for three years.  

Frustrated?  Help Us!  Stand with us at the next meeting.  

We are doing everything we can to affect a change with this BoS’s, and we need your help.  The Board of Supervisors (BoS)’s heard many people object to a tax hike at the 11/17/08 meeting, but many of them were unswayed.  Come to the meeting:  speak at the mike, bring a small or large poster, or just sit quietly.  Let’s not let them stop us from using the mike until each citizen has had an opportunity to voice their opinion.  It’s our last chance.  

TT BoS meeting is on December 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Building on DuPortail Rd.  Our goal:  standing-room only.  Get your friends and neighbors at the meeting.  Call them on the phone.  If you will be at the meeting, please place a comment.  

-A Pen

P.S.  If you are good with numbers, look over the TT 2009 Budget Presentation available as a PDF.  I hope at least one of these links works for you.  

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You Are Cordially Invited

2008 December 8 at 10:20 am (Board of Supervisors, Politics, Taxes, Tredyffrin Twp., Uncategorized) (, , , , )

Your presence is requested at the 

Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors Meeting

Finalizing the 2009 Proposed Budget


December 15, 2008

beginning at 7:30 p.m., ending ?


Keene Hall, 1100 DuPortail Road, Tredyffrin


If you don’t want a TT Tax increase, with a scoop of TESD Tax increase, topped with a Cherry – Chester County Tax Increase, please come!  We’d love to see you there, though some of the BoS’s won’t!  Many of your neighbors spoke against any tax increase at the 11/17/08 TT BoS meeting, but they’re still planning to raise taxes.  


Attire:  Dress is casual, but show your spirit – wear Structural Deficit Red!  

Activities:  Listen to the BoS’s.  Find out who is naughty or nice.  Step up to the karaoke microphone – raise your voice.  Bring a small (or large) sign with a “no-tax increase” message, in case public comments are cut short as on 11/17/08.  Or sit quietly, and witness the TT government spending your hard-earned wages.

R.S.V.P.  To be certain your elected officials get your message, please contact all of the following:, and 610) 644-1400.   You may also leave a comment on this blog.  🙂

– A Pen

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Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors Meeting 12/1/08

2008 December 2 at 8:29 am (Politics, Taxes, Tredyffrin Twp.) (, , , , , , )

A Pen thanks…

Mr. Paul Olsen for stating that BoS’s have “an obligation to keep financial sanity in our township.  It’s our responsibility.”  

Mr. Bob Lamina for continuing to champion lower taxes.

Regarding 12/1/08 BoS Meeting

In the comments that have been made in the last two Tredyffrin Twp. BoS meetings  regarding the TT Budget, I have not heard anyone degrade the quality of the TT employees, nor disrespect them.  So, when Mr. Bill DeHaven said that the budget cuts are “disrespectful” of employees or that the budget “beats the crap out of them,” he is being dishonest, dramatic, and diverting the topic.  (Same goes for Mr. Mark DiFeliciantonio’s comment last week that the budget cuts were “draconian.”)  In the real world, an employee’s salary has little to do with respect, and much to do the value of the job.  An employer could be respectful or not, and still pay a fair wage.  And employers have an obligation to keep their spending within budget, or eventually face bankruptcy.  What solutions did Mr. DeHaven promote?  None, except to try to make responsible BoS’s feel guilty about doing the right thing – reigning in spending.  

Trimming waste from a budget cut is a business move, nothing else.  We’ve heard repeatedly that there is a structural problem with the TT budget.  It consistently spends more than it receives.  Responsible?  Not at all.  Every gardener knows that proper pruning increases the health of a plant.  Same with proper budgeting.  Same with sports teams, household budgets, clothing in closets, etc.  

In tonight’s meeting and the last meeting (11/17/08), it was implied by some that TT public employees are rare and precious, and cannot be replaced.  I suspect it would be fairly easy to find people to fill TT openings.  

In the last meeting’s public discussion with the BoS, it was revealed that there is no salary range and no salary cap.  So, with longevity bonuses plus yearly 3.5% cost-of-living increases, an employee who sticks around long enough could make much more than the market rate.  I  appreciate that the BoS’s work with these employees, and have come to adore them, but let’s not forget that the BoS’s are in the position of supervising.  They are in charge, and,  like it or not, they must make the proper decisions regardless their feelings.  

Holding the salaries of these employees at the current rate for 2009 is a sound business decision.  We are in a recession – negative inflation.  When employees are given cost-of-living increases, it’s because inflation is present.  Looking on the bright side, when an employee’s salary stays the same during a recession, he or she is fortunate!  Many people are losing jobs and pay.    Also, since TT employees never worry about their government going out of business, they’ve got true job security.  Good fortune, again!  Consider this:  if a cost-of-living increase is always in order with inflation, why isn’t a cost-of-living decrease in order with deflation?  

Hey BoS’s and government officials.  Stop picking on taxpayers!  We work very hard, are likeable, and are feeling unappreciated.  We won’t be able to guilt you at the office with our long faces, but some of us are feeling oppressed by all the layers of taxes upon us:  Township, School Board, County, State, Federal, purchases and savings, real estate, etc.  

– A Pen

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